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Description Ĭhariots Shoreditch was on three floors, decorated in the style of Roman baths. In terms of floor-space and capacity, Chariots Shoreditch was the largest gay sauna in the UK. In January 2021 Chariots Spa announced that it had gone into liquidation and that Chariots Vauxhall was permanently closed. Chariots Vauxhall (2005, closed March 2020).Chariots Waterloo (opened 2003, previously Wellingtons Health Club, closed 2018).Chariots Limehouse (2002, previously Sailors Sauna, since c.2013 Sailors Sauna again).Chariots Streatham (opened 1999, closed 2016).Chariots Farringdon (opened 1999, closed 2010 due to the Crossrail development).Chariots Shoreditch (opened 1996, closed 2016).The Bathhouse (formerly The Suite), BathĬhariots Leisure Ltd at one point operated six gay saunas in London as of 2020, all are closed, with another open under a different name.Club 69, Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire.The Greenhouse, Darlaston, West Midlandsįormer (now closed) gay saunas in the UK:.Sailors Sauna (formerly Chariots), Limehouse, London.Plastic Ivy Sauna, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.Pennine Sauna, Oldham, Greater Manchester.Heroes Health Club, Stourbridge, West Midlands.Heat Sauna, Stockport, Greater Manchester.

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